author Citra



  • Nail fungus is titled fungus and spores are the cause of parasitic fungus. Sick every can fungus be, easily in contact with people who have a. The risk on the mushroom high in the saunas, pools, water parks, on the beaches or in the Pool.
    29 August 2019
  • The treatment of a fungus vinegar is very popular, because the fungal infection is inhibited, without damage to the cover shape of the skin and nails. Thanks to the application of the vinegar will suppress the development and proliferation of pathogenic micro-organisms, and even completely get rid of the disease.
    22 August 2019
  • Fungus between the toes is quite common phenomenon, it is caused by various species of fungi. For the treatment of this disease antifungal drugs can be used in the Form of ointments, tablets, antiseptics and natural remedies.
    14 May 2019