An effective treatment of the fungus between the toes

Athlete's foot – a dangerous disease that affects most commonly the skin of the feet. First, the fungus between the toes appears and then spreads to other areas. How does such a disease, its symptoms, causes, as well as the specifics of the treatment we consider.

Athlete's foot

The causes of the fungus between the toes

The skin of the legs exposed to the most common fungal diseases. The reasons for this state of Affairs can be the following:

  • reduced defense mechanisms in the body as a result of the previous diseases of infectious or inflammatory in nature;
  • poor supply of the lower extremities with blood, which leads to stagnant processes in the legs;
  • microtrauma of the skin in the area of the feet and between the toes;
  • Intense sweating or dry skin;
  • a long, uncomfortable and tight shoes.

Provoke fungus on the feet can dermatitis the neglect of oral hygiene, the presence of diaper. In addition, the infection is able to enter the body through microtrauma to the skin during a visit to the swimming pool or the Sauna.

Symptoms, Types

InterDigital Tinea has several stages of its development, each of which has a specific symptoms.

Symptoms of the beginning stages of a fungal infection:

  • the formation of small cracks between the fingers, particularly the little Finger, as well as on the feet;
  • a slight desquamation of the skin in the area of the formation of cracks.

In the initial phase of mild symptoms, so many overlook such manifestations, so that the start end of the fungal infection.

The next stage of development of the fungus differs between the fingers of more pronounced symptoms. On the skin appear red spots marked, scaly already. In this time, it may diagrams, the formation bubbles with a transparent liquid.

To form in the second stage of the development of the disease, corns, skin coarsened, are calluses. In this time, desquamation accompanied by itching and sometimes burning.

Athlete's foot

The penultimate Phase of the fungus between the fingers is characterized by the aggravation of the condition of the affected skin. The cracks are getting deeper, in a Erosion. Fungus develops in wet. Together with these symptoms, there are other signs: inflammation and swelling of the fungal-affected land.

In the case of the advanced Form of the disease, the symptoms, such as:

  • purulent vesicles between the fingers, under the little Finger and on the feet;
  • To increase pain and itching;
  • Redness and irritation of the skin pronounced.

In addition, InterDigital athlete's foot in the final stage, and other characters. In this time, the fingers itching to burst, the skin, the bursting of purulent blisters. The area between the fingers wet, peel the affected nails, pull away, on the Epidermis, a white Deposit appears.

The emergence of these symptoms should be warned of the people and encourage seek the advice of a specialist. Only a timely treatment offers the ability to get rid of the disease.

Types of fungus between the toes

Fungal infection cause most common three types of bacteria, dermatophytes, yeast fungi and mould. Each type of infection has a favorable environment for the development. Mold is a fungus that can develop there, where it is warm, high humidity. Yeast fungi are able to hit the nail and the skin.

The most common mycoses dermatophytes cause. The fungus primarily affects the skin between the fingers starting with the thumb and the area below the little Finger. This type of infection, preferably heat and moisture. Exactly in this environment, the spores of the Virus develop.


Home treatment

Inter-fungal infections require a longer course of treatment. The therapy can spend at home. The main thing to be investigated and to confirm the diagnosis.

The combination therapy of fungus between the fingers is the treatment of drugs and natural remedies.

A therapy with drugs

Anti-fungal treatment to ensure the internal application of drugs external medications (creams, ointments, solutions).

Creams, ointments, lotions have a harmful effect on bacteria. The use of drugs reduces the desquamation, itching, and ulcerative processes of the skin between the fingers, the feet. With their help one can derive, to prevent Fungus, and its re-emergence.

Drug treatment, the dermatologist rubs after a thorough investigation. Alone, and without accurate diagnosis, medication is not recommended, because they aggravate the condition of the patient.

Home treatment

The drug relief of symptoms folk medicine can increase. In this case, effective means are:

  • medical baths (salt baths, soft drinks, herbs);
  • Lotions with hydrogen peroxide, vinegar;
  • Treatment mežpal'cevoj the area of iodine.

These methods will help to eliminate faster in getting rid of the infection, symptoms and facilitate the patient's condition.

Salt and soda baths

To 1 Liter of water (37-40 degrees), take 1-2 TSP of baking soda or salt. Lower the legs to the pelvis, and hold for 20-30 minutes. Steamed skin treat good removal of keratinized Epidermis.

Make at least 1 times a day, preferably before going to bed.

Herbal Bath

Ground mixture of dried herbs (chamomile, plantain, celandine), pour 1 Liter of boiling water. Herbs you need to collect a minimum of 3 El. L. Soar feet in such a Infusion, it is recommended that a minimum of 20 minutes.

To treat to soda and herbs-Manipulation of feet, the maximum distance of the damaged particles of the Epidermis. Lubricate the skin, hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

Lotions with vinegar

Moisten a piece of cotton wool in 9%-m solution, applied on the affected areas. Legs wrap the foil, resist 3-5 minutes. After the expiry of the time you rinse the skin with warm water.

Herbal Bath

It is important that all manipulations folk medicine medicines to increase. After each treatment, the affected Anti-fungal ointments, creams, or processing of aerosols lubricate.

Measured in terms of the experience and the reviews of the readers, a complex therapy of diseases is much more effective than the use of antifungal substances individually.

How to cure fungus in children

The emergence of a fungal infection in a child can occur at any age. Why the skin, peeling of skin doctor will be able to determine. Can debt decreased immunity, microtrauma to the skin of the legs, as well as stagnant processes in the lower extremities. In order to diagnose correctly and to appoint adequate therapy, the specialist make a diagnosis.

In the initial phase of the fungus between the fingers of a child, the topical treatment of price is missing, ointments values. As a treatment in advanced forms of the appearance of sores and blisters with fluid? Doctors antifungal and antibacterial drugs combine recommend.


Mycosis lift tire easily, but get rid of is very difficult. Prevention helps to prevent not only the elimination of the disease, but also relapses.

  1. Hygiene. Daily washing of the feet, the treatment of diaper rash, the fight against sweating.
  2. Caution in public areas. Saunas and swimming pools, you better visit with your interchangeable shoes. After bathing the feet of the antifungal treatment with a Spray or peroxide is recommended.
  3. Wear comfortable shoes, the removal of calluses and corns.
  4. An active lifestyle allows good blood circulation in the lower extremities.

If in the family there are infected Person, all the shoes must be disinfected. Do not use General objects of Hygiene. After the showers, the feet would be better to treat ointments or aerosols, which will help to decontaminate the skin.

If you have the symptoms of fungus between the toes, it is important to seek immediate professional help, and to start in a short time the treatment. To treat in time recognized the disease easier than the launched Form.