According to the statistics, at the Moment, about 25% of the inhabitants of the planet suffer from infections under the fungus. Very often, nail fungus shows up in the big toe. Onychomycosis can be used in all public areas. With you and maybe then, when someone in the family already sick fungus. For the treatment of nail fungus there is a large amount of time may be required. In addition, the fungus can provoke discomfort in the course of ordinary life.

Fungal infection much more often, the representatives of the male, as in female. Aged people may be sick more often than in younger years. This is due to the fact that due to the age, the blood circulation is not so active as in youth. The fungus is often located directly on the nails of the big toes. This fact is explained by the fact that, on the big toe more space for the propagation of the fungal infection, fungus as and enjoys. Great nail surrounded by blood vessels, many nerve endings and blood. For this reason, the fungus can provoke severe pain.
The person infected mushroom-in case of contact with objects, where there is a fungal infection. Disputes on the skin or nails are able to get in the public places. In addition, onychomycosis may be the sponges, things the sneakers that he previously ill be infected at the time of application. Such causes of fungal infection on the big toe, such as:
- Hyperhidrosis;
- Flat feet;
- impaired integrity of the skin near the nail or violation of the integrity of the nail plate, which helps faster against fungi;
- poor foot care;
- Diaper rash;
- the lowered body's own immune system;
- a long stay in the overly tight shoes;
- Age;
- protracted disease (immunodeficiency, Diabetes, cardiovascular disease);
- the glue on the artificial nail plate.
Symptoms In Early Stage
In the initial phase, of, nails, at first insignificant color acquire pink nail in yellow, pale and Mat. All people have the rose-plates of the nails, since the plate is the nail bed, the of the vessels.
In the case of anemia, liver, inflammatory currents in the body, lack of calcium, copper, iron, iodine, Beta-carotene onychomycosis of the man much later notice. All the phenomena above, and without wavering in the fungal infection of the tone and the structure of the nail plate.
Often onychomycosis settled on the big toes.
The initial stages of the fungus form in the nail plate thicker yellow cavities, stains, the nail begins to darken and thickens in size. It is called hyperkeratosis. Nail is loose, shatters, shatters. The pieces of the nail to break and began to pathogens, infectious. The disintegration of the nail plate is comprehensible together with its thickening.
Often the cracks appear between the fingers (typically, 4 and 5 Finger), the skin begins to scaly, itching of the place begins and irritated.

Between the nail and the nail-skin a free space is created. It is precisely in this gap fungus its active propagation begins. In the free space of the nail, dead skin, dirt, germs is located. For this reason, the coloring of the nail is done in yellow, light-grey, in some situations, also acquire a brown tint can, also foot odor is provoked.
A fungus that hits the nail on the big toe, begins to secrete enzymes to promote him for fractures. So, athlete's foot, prepare a space for self-reproduction. Symptoms of do not comment at the beginning of phase almost every case, itself, probably the emergence of irritation on the fingers. The following phase — the color of the nail plate is changed, the plate is thicker. The result of the thickening of the location to be fixed to the nail plate to grow in the Finger.
Usually, the patients only rarely medical assistance in the early stages of the disease. In General, only ingrown, the nail plate forces to be sent to the doctor.
The affected nail starts to grow in the wrong direction, bends and bites into the skin and forms a swelling at this place, the feeling of discomfort and pain when walking. This Problem bears the risk in the formation of infectious currents in the body. A special danger for ingrown wears for people suffering from Diabetes it can serve the cause of ulcers and gangrene of the legs.
To understand that the fungus is propagated intensively on the nails can be due to a change in the surface of the nail:
- the nail is thick, it streaks, pale or yellow colors;
- in the course of time, the disintegration of the nail plate, perhaps not more it is up to the end;
- otslaiwanije of the nail from the skin to happen;
- the lower part of the nail plate may turn yellow.
A therapy with medication nail fungus on the big toes, and hands
The result of the therapy is, depending on how fast the person started with the treatment. In the initial stages of the treatment of the fungus topical preparations and in advanced stages can contribute, when the nail has grown plate, of help surgical treatment. Onychomycosis can be taken to be cured in the big toe with special coatings, creams and products, the oral. In the case of the first forms of the disease can be treated since 2-3 months, and the current stage of 6-12 months.
To use funds in this Form, when the fungus penetrated not only in the plate of the nail, but also in the skin. They are pretty effective, smaller phenomena provoked rarely, use 1-2 times a day.
Effect of coatings contacted softening of the nail, as well as the Manifestation of the disinfection effect. Paint is in the plate and destroys the fungus-parasites.
If the disease is increased already in the Phase of neglect, or the fungus is very active, the Phase of defeat is always very large, the use of antifungal agents will not work limit. Tablets of onychomycosis a large amount of mapping is required, a qualified doctor. In these tablets there are contraindications, you should not eat in childhood, people with diseases of the liver, and the kidneys. In addition, there are drug incompatibilities with certain drugs, for example, contraception hormonal preparations, the character of.
Treatment for pregnant women

The therapy is with the original diagnosis. Only the doctor with the help of scraping and seeding of the cultures or the DNA research is in the location of the origin of the fungus and determine the correct therapy.
All fungal agent, which is taken orally and is distributed through the blood stream, during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited because it be toxic to the liver women and malformations in the development of the baby are able to provoke. In addition, this Laser in the treatment of fungal infection of the nail plate.
During pregnancy and lactation, the local and surgical treatment, which can be combined in the situation.
Sure, only the surgical method for the therapy of mycosis – eradication of the infected nail plate or their parts, grinding of indexable inserts with the further imposition of specialized dental nail plate of wound dressings apply.
An external agent against fungal attack lacquers, ointments, gels, creams, have no contraindications for pregnant women, but their proportion and the duration of treatment has it's limits. Don't need to risk your own well-being, correctly, call a physician immediately.
The doctor may an assignment for the therapy of concentrate from the pulp of the Grapefruit 33% solution. It should drop 1 drop (twice a day) on the infected area after regular treatment of nails In addition, changes in 21 days, a special loop in the clinic. The recovery occurs after 4 months.
Application of external resources required to respond to a concrete-Schema-therapy recommended by your doctor.
The treatment of folk medicine
Daily application of the solution of iodine, as an antifungal agent, not saved, only the single people of such a problem. Iodine puts the infected skin between the fingers. But iodine is not a panacea in the treatment of fungal diseases. Alcohol composition of the iodine is able to provoke a reaction, personal intolerance. On the day before the treatment with iodine can bend to a drop of the solution on the Ellen. If not caused irritation or an allergic reaction, you can use the treatment with iodine start.
Apply iodine solution 5% 1 drop on the nail plate twice a day. Use for the application of iodine cotton balls or cotton swabs. Impregnate with iodine nails need to complete. Do not forget that the solution of iodine on the nails in yellow color, especially visible on the Hand.
In addition to the infected nails also prophylactically treat, should 1 drop of iodine on the nail in 2 days. We need to try iodine applied to the skin in the vicinity of the nails, as can happen burns.
Maybe the normal garlic apply. He disinfected the surface and destroying all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms. A clove of garlic clean, grate, you need a mixture on the damaged panel and Roll-up-Association of The whole structure on the holding nail, to remove the whole of the night, in the morning. They produce this process until the Position of the nail plate is not improved.
Apple cider vinegar
The optimal external method proves to be realize with the help of Apple cider vinegar. Every day twice a day is necessary, to RUB the feet-to-data solution, the liquid around it to apply not only to the affected areas, but also on the skin around it. In a bowl with cold water, add 200 ml of vinegar. To free with the help of this method, and the excessive sweating of the feet.
One more kind of application of vinegar 200 ml of liquid is required, mix with the egg and 100 G of Butter. This mixture needs to mix well and place over night in a cool place. On the morning of mixture applied may already be, as a compress.

To remove a fungal infection of the nails can be with the juice of celandine. In the same way as for the elimination of warts, it must not be diluted with some liquid. Need to do the leaf or stem of the plant, scrapped, Phase, begin to secrete a yellow liquid, you should RUB in the plot of the destroyed nail plate. Apply daily for a period of 7 days, then take a break of about 3-5 days. In advance you need to on the allergic reaction, as undesirable consequences may occur.
As you eliminate enemy mushroom many benefits, including and coffee. This natural antioxidant promotes the cleaning of the upper layers of the skin of dead cells and spores. Brows need to be very strong solution of coffee, then allow to cool and then in this solution the affected extremity. You need to have 5-10 sessions for the elimination of fungal infestation.
Of onychomycosis of the onion helps. You should clean it from the peel, grate, mix with honey (1 teaspoon) and turn the mixture on to the nail plate and the skin around it. Hold for a couple of hours every day, a few days later you notice an improvement, and a further 7 days later, the symptomatology of the fungus.